Sunday, June 30
Searchers recover missing woman's body from Kootenai River
Lincoln County Sheriff Darren Short told The Western News searchers found the...
Saturday, June 29
Search continues for woman missing in Kootenai River
Members of David Thompson Search and Rescue searched the river and its banks a few miles below the China Rapids section...
Friday, June 28
Sheehy, PERC and the future of public lands conservation in Montana
Particularly in Montana where checking the list of Superfund sites left behind by private industries and owners bears indisputable evidence of the myth that private ownership means better conservation of those resources.
In 2024, it’s a plodding geezer versus a grifting sleazer
When the people lose their faith in elections, democracy is finished.
No zoning in Lower Yaak
Zoning is entirely inappropriate in the rural outdoors and lacks the structure or funding to guarantee protection of Montana's beautiful areas.
Fight for Montana
Sheehy thinks he can waltz into our state and change our way of life. Well, he’s wrong.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
Under a new program requiring no receipts, over 300 House members were reimbursed $5.8 million for food and lodging for “official business."

Happy's Inn hosting fundraiser for wounded Montana vet
The 4 Miles to Freedom fun run will take place at Happy’s Inn on July 6, starting at 7:30 a.m.

Birth announcement
Keaton and Amber Julson announce the birth of their daughter...
Canadian environmentalists question plan to sell coal mines above Lake Koocanusa
Pending $9 billion sale would transfer north-of-the-border mines that have polluted Montana waters for decades to a Swiss company.

Local vandalism spurs use of more surveillance cameras
Vandalism is not a new problem in south Lincoln County, but what can be done when first graders are engaging in destructive behavior?

Troy man accused of threatening officers, harassing 911 dispatchers
Savage was most recently in district court June 17...
Libby Senior Center July menu
Staff is asking those that want to reserve a meal call the center 24 hours in advance. The number is 293-7222.

Loggers gear up for stretch run with third at Big Bucks tourney
“We’ll play a lot of conference games to the end and hopefully we can rack up some wins and make some noise at districts,” Morford said.

Motocross racers share thrills at Libby's Millpond
One hundred seventy people attended the races to see 42 riders, some of who competed in multiple classes.

Libby's Williams inducted into the state Broadcasters Hall of Fame
Williams began his broadcast career as an announcer on a 500-watt daytimer in 1967.
Legals for June, 28 2024
Thursday, June 27
Authorities search for missing woman in Kootenai River
A cooler was found near the shore above Kootenai Falls and the damaged kayak and other property were recovered below Kootenai Falls.
Tuesday, June 25

It’s official: New world record Roosevelt’s elk smashes old mark
Two separate teams of judges remeasured the entry and adjusted the score from 439 7/8 points to 455 2/8 points.

Charlotte Bluhm Woods
Charlotte Bluhm Woods
Pennsylvania woman drowns near Glacier's St. Mary Falls
According to witnesses, the woman was washed over the falls and trapped...

Libby man dies of injuries in traffic accident
According to a report from Montana Highway Patrol...
County seeks new provider for wayward pets
At the June 12 commissioners meeting, Health Department Director Kathi Hooper said the Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter was ending its $50,000 contract with the county...

WILD ART-Libby East West Shrine Game participants
Libby's Jace DeShazer, Lyndee McElmurry and Macie Sichting...

Troy's Gravier helps lead North 16U travel softball team
Several Troy Trojans are on the Sandpoint-based team...
The accessibility of our right to know
Unfortunately, our government can obstruct and effectively deny our Right to Know by charging exorbitant “fees” for completing requests.
State of the Scotchmans event set for June 29
All are welcome from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at this venue with a view for live music, food, an update on the Scotchman Peaks...
FWP employee fired three months after being cleared of hunting-without-permission charge
Former longtime operations chief Michael Volesky alleges ‘political discrimination’ played a role in the termination of his employment.
Flathead Co-op members surpass $5M mark in Roundup for Safety
Today, nearly 69% of Flathead members participate in the Roundup for Safety program. Currently, contributions total about $21,000 per month.

Joyce Collins Emens
Joyce Collins Emens

Gary Burnett
Gary Burnett
Idaho Fish & Game says it thought grizzly was a black bear
The male grizzly bear was shot and killed June 10 near the Lower St. Joe River about 5 miles from the town of St. Maries, "an area not commonly used by grizzly bears," the release said.
Community briefs
All women golfers are welcome to join us at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays.
Washington man blames wife’s radiation for alleged drug use
Jeremy A. Gustavel, 50, of Everett pleaded not guilty to the offense while...

Not guilty pleas by Libby man accused of assaulting infant son
According to the affidavit of probable cause filed by county Attorney Marcia Boris...

Eureka man sentenced for magic mushroom possession
Shelton initially pleaded not guilty, but later changed his plea...
Legals for June, 25 2024
Friday, June 21

John A. Jones
John A. Jones
Election reform group says it gathered enough signatures for Nov. ballot
Group says it’s received 200,000 signatures, Secretary of State’s Office to verify the count.Constitutional Initiative-126 would change Montana primaries to a top-four system, meaning the top four vote-getters regardless of party would advance to the general election.

City OKs street closure for businesses' anniversary celebrations
Kristin Smith offered a draft job description for a community development director...
Hunters can soon register online for the Game Damage Hunt Roster
The Hunt Roster sign-up closes Monday, July 15, and a randomly generated list will be created from the online registrations and will be posted to MyFWP accounts by July 20.
Blackfeet Tribe, feds to share response at St. Mary Canal failure
Officials say the failure was caused by the age of the siphon pipes, which were installed more than a century ago.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
The immigration system, not updated in 30 years, has an exceptional backlog.
Troy's new Town Pump a hit with locals
Town Pump has operated a store in Troy for over 52 years. The new store replaces a smaller building that was built in 1989.
Rebecca Lageschulte
Rebecca Lageschulte
Politicians must be held accountable for their decisions
It is important that when our leaders are out of step with the people they serve, that we the people hold them accountable.
Sheriff's Office blotter
A woman reported someone shot her cats in the 100 block of West Spokane Avenue, Troy.

Libby man faces second child endangerment charge
Deputy Brandon Huff got the call at nearly 10 p.m. May 22 for a crash with injuries on Swede Mountain...
Fire season is here - are you ready?
Recently we held three Fire Adapted Community Workshops, sponsored by the Kootenai Forest Stakeholder Collaborative, to help homeowners better understand their role in addressing the wildfire problem.

Willie R. Schikora
Willie R. Schikora

Cabinet View Golf Club Junior Camp
Director of Golf Jeff Dooley said...

Ryan Eric Snyder
Ryan Eric Snyder
To help baby animals survive, leave them alone
It’s important to understand that wildlife care for their young much differently than humans.
Sign-up for surplus B elk, deer tags begins June 19
These are licenses that were not distributed by the drawing. The list will be randomized, with hunters at the top of the list contacted via email with instructions to finalize their purchase within a specified time.
Legals for June, 21 2024
Tuesday, June 18
Willis R. Schikora
Willis R. Schikora

Charlotte Bluhm Woods
Charlotte Bluhm Woods

Crossing the dam: Wings 2024 Motorcycle Fun Run
For the first time since Sept. 11, 2001, public vehicle traffic was allowed to cross the Libby Dam.

Cabinet Peaks set to host "Playing for Fundsies" on July 13
Proceeds from this year’s Playing for Fundsies will benefit Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.
Coyote trapping, snaring enters grizzly management debate
Montana Stockgrowers Association seeks to intervene in lawsuit to keep coyote trapping and snaring legal.

Rosalie Reed
Rosalie Reed

Fantozzi joins Cabinet Peaks Clinic Family Medicine
A native of Libby, Montana, Fantozzi is a third-generation Montanan who feels privileged to serve the community he calls home.
Troy man plans to appeal prison sentence in grizzly killing incident
According to a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Pearson was sentenced on Tuesday, June 11, to two months in prison and fined $10,000, by U.S. District Judge Donald W. Molloy.
VA expands toxic-exposed veterans’ eligibility for benefits
VA adds three new cancers to its presumptive conditions list using new framework from the PACT Act.
Northern pike found in Sanders County's Bull River
FWP asking anglers to report catches or observations of pike in Clark Fork tributary
Kalispell gun maker employee stole $159,000, went to Vegas
The government said Bell used pre-signed checks to steal from her employer...
Millpond hosting annual motocross races Saturday
Gates open at 11 a.m. with practice at 1:30 p.m. Racing is underway at 3:30 p.m. There will be concessions and a beer garden.
Legals for June, 18 2024
Friday, June 14
Community briefs
To be included on the dean’s list, a student must receive...
Hunting is a valuable tool in managing mountain lions
But animal rights activists aren’t trying to make sure hunters eat the mountain lions that they hunt. Their true goal is to prevent hunting in general, starting with a species the public knows little about.
Voices in the Wilderness: The grizzly ate my lunch
“Wait a minute!” I said to myself, “That’s not yesterday’s track. It snowed last night. He’s still bleeding, he’s still here, and I’m guessing pretty mad.”
A call for action on the border crisis
But what are we as Montanans doing with the information that has already been well circulated regarding our state?
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
The Federal Trade Commission alleges an American oil CEO attempted to collude with OPEC to inflate prices, numerous media reported.

WILD ART-Ben Graham Memorial winners
Ken Bush and Jackie Mee were the winners at the...

Birth announcement
Shawn and Aleta Davis, along with Family Birth Services, are pleased to announce the birth of Elowen Dill. Baby Elowen was born May 17, 2024.
State officials will host local public meeting on OU 3 plan
The public meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, in the Ponderosa Room, Libby City Hall.

Richard Workman
Richard Workman
Stop feeding the turkeys
Which leads me from turkeys to tourists.
Troy Public Schools gets grant to keep kids fed during summer
No Kid Hungry is also helping families find summer meals near them through our Free Meals Finder map and texting hotline. Parents and caregivers can text the word “FOOD” (or “COMIDA”) to 304-304 to find sites in their neighborhood.

Struggles continue for Loggers Legion baseball
Mason Crowe delivered a run-scoring double in the second inning for the Loggers.
Birds of prey enthrall local nature lovers
Janie Veltkamp opened Birds of Prey Northwest and celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023.
Libby man accused of assaulting infant son
Payne made his initial court appearance on May 28...
Northwest Montana sees four fatal accidents in last week
According to a press release, callers said the vehicle crashed into some trees and burned.
Health officials issue alert for Diamond Shruumz products
Ten patients were hospitalized and several patients required intubation, mechanical ventilation and admission to an intensive care unit.
Wildfire season arrives in northwest Montana
The Pine Creek Fire, caused when a tree fell on a powerline, is located on the Three Rivers Ranger District, northwest of Troy in the Yaak Hill area.
Legals for June, 14 2024
Tuesday, June 11

Injuries reported in two-vehicle wreck on U.S. 2
One injured person was flown...
Forest officials seek comment on Yaak River mining plan
The three plans of operations submitted to the Three Rivers Ranger District propose to suction dredge in the Yaak River and Star Creek.
Woman pleads, man still faces felony theft charge
Eryn Christine Jenkins, 45, was charged with one...

Troy woman pleads not guilty to attempted homicide
Helen Katherine Palmer faces four charges, including...

Kay Evan “Sandy” Sanderson
Kay Evan “Sandy” Sanderson

Multi-year black bear population and habitat study expands to more areas around state
While genetic sampling will occur in northwest Montana, GPS collaring efforts will be replicated not only in northwest Montana but several other areas around the state including...
Libby Community Thrift store in search of a new home
Libby Community Thrift’s giving is not insignificant. Since 2003, when they moved to their current location on Utah Avenue behind Rosita’s Mexican Food, the donations total about $174,000.
Last day horse ride to school
Can a ride on a horse really be beat?

Elementary school lunch running club piles up the miles
These students enjoyed earning special charms for each mile they completed.
Sheriff's Office blotter
A mother called to report an explosive in her son’s bedroom in the 1200 block of Big Bend Road, Libby.

Managers confident Flathead Lake will fully fill, but late summer could pose challenges
Assistant state climatologist, Energy Keepers representative present to Water Policy Interim Committee.
Mystery snails turn up in Flathead Lake
Earlier this spring, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks personnel identified two species that were the result of aquarium dumps.
Legals for June, 11 2024
Friday, June 7

Shirley Ann Wolleat
Shirley Ann Wolleat
County library district initiative fails; voters pick Duram over Letcher
Duram will be opposed in the general election by Democrat Doug Davies and Independent Brian Phillips.

Eureka man sentenced on drug possession charge
Pearson, 54, initially faced several charges, including felony possession with the intent to distribute...

Local fraudster ordered to pay restitution
Part of the plea deal included paying $1,005 restitution to...

Zinke schedules local office hours in northwest Montana
Zinke’s staff may also be able to assist constituents with issues related to obtaining or expediting passports and visas, veterans’ affairs, Medicare...

Three local FVCC nursing grads join Cabinet Peaks team
With scholarship support from donors akin to Dr. Bonnet, Dahm made the drastic career change from pipe welder in the oil fields to registered nurse at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center...
Something’s rotten at Montana’s Fish, Wildlife and Parks
The latest case involves Dr. Eileen Ryce, the Administrator of the Fisheries Division who was mysteriously placed on “administrative leave” as of May 17.
Community briefs
The Libby Friends of the Library will have its Book Sale next from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, June 7, in the book sale room downstairs at the library.

John William Schneider Jr.
John William Schneider Jr.

Superfund site will be addressed at Libby open house
Attendees to learn latest on Libby Asbestos Superfund activities June 10.

Miller gets life in prison for running over Trooper Johnson
Johnson’s wife, Kate, also an MHP officer, gave heart-wrenching testimony about her husband’s injuries and their effects that left many in the courtroom sobbing in anguish during a victim impact statement.
Legals for June, 7 2024
Wednesday, June 5
Shirley A. Wolleat
Shirley A. Wolleat
Tuesday, June 4
Greenchain wrestler Erickson signs with MSU Northern
Erickson had a stellar 2023-24 season in which he won 40 matches and claimed a state medal after placing sixth in the 138-pound weight class.

Isotex executives charged with running Ponzi scheme, fraud
Today, four of the men involved in Isotex Health, including two practicing attorneys, stand accused of running a Ponzi scheme and defrauding investors, farmers and the State of Montana of more than $6 million.
A good library is an asset to the community
Lincoln County will get more than $4 million this year whether the Forest Service cuts a stick or not.
Libby man charged after being found nude on highway
The substance field tested positive for meth and fentanyl, according to the officer.
The moving scales of justice
In taking a political position, it is important to not let the other party seize the day.
Let’s keep our communities stable, safe and healthy
Western Montana Conservation Commission meeting June 4-5
WMCC serves as a convening body to facilitate close cooperation and coordination between federal, state, provincial, tribal and local resource managers...

Bruce Timothy Moog
Bruce Timothy Moog
Forest officials seek comment on Libby Creek mining
The project is addressing two Plans of Operation the Libby Ranger District has received to conduct small-scale mineral exploration activities in the Libby Creek drainage, near two already existing mining operations.

Lakers take two from Loggers in Legion baseball
Aidan Rose started for the Loggers...
Libby High School graduates 80 in Class of 2024
Class Valedictorian Tyler Andersen, Salutatorian, and Senior Class President Jossalyn White spoke...
University of Montana Spring 2024 graduates
Students with “cum laude” after their name indicate a GPA of 3.40 to 3.69. “Magna laude” indicates a 3.70 to 3.89 GPA, and “summa laude” is 3.90 and above.